Thursday 13 March 2014

Investigations into the residual functions and powers of the Court of Wardmote

There is no one place to look, to find out the various powers that yet reside in the Court of Wardmote.

Some aspects of the wardmote are covered by the City of London Police Act

Power of a Ward Meeting to resolve that the proceedings be publicised:
I had thought that this power had been removed in the mid 1880's, but I see it in force in a resolution dated 1891 from Castle Baynard Ward,
"The proceedings of the meeting were ordered to be advertised in the 'City Press'"
That was for a general Ward Meeting.
This appointed a committee, which in turn appointed sub-committees.

At the following wardmote in Castle Baynard 1891, there was also a resolution put that the proceedings of the wardmote were ordered to be advertised in the 'City Press'.

I presume that was some kind of fore-runner to our modern "City A.M."
Here is the source document containing the full wording of the resolution

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